3D Printed DICE with Hearts
After some careful consideration, I choose to model a different object for project one. With Valentines Day clearly in sight, I settled on Dice with Hearts. I used digital calipers to measure the original item and Fusion 360 to create the 3D model. This item was fairly simple, but still presented challenges for positioning the hearts correctly, and creating a smooth contour.
The 3D model came out better than I expected.
The original found item (dice) held up to the screen shows a very close resemblance to the model in Fusion 360.
After slicing the 3D model, I printed out a couple of dice on the Ultimaker Pro 3D Printer in the FabLab at the University of Tampa. The total print time was right around 2 hours.
The final product came out much better than expected. The way I set up the axis orrientation placed the 5 heart side on the bottom. This yeilded a slightly less detailed look compared with the other sides. I feel like I could get a better result in the future by orienting the side with one heart on the bottom. All in all though, I'm very pleased with the results, which are very close to the original item (other than the color of course).
Side by Side comparison: